Theoretical album cover redesign for Ed Sheeran's 2017 album, Divide.
Scope: Album Cover Design, Photography, Concept Work
How can one object represent an entire album?
I designed an album cover using a band-aid as a singular representational object to communicate the themes of the songs inside Ed Sheeran's album, Divide.

Album Themes
This album contains a variety of songs and styles ranging from folk all the way to pop and hip hop. The different songs venture through themes of love, loss, heartbreak, home, healing, and the past.
To represent these themes I chose a band-aid as my object, using it as a building block to represent the collage of experiences, good and bad, that have made Ed who he is today.
Cool blues complemented by bright green and orange communicate a calm but bright tone.

Album Front
Inspired by the song “Castle on the Hill”, the band-aid collage house on the front of the album cover symbolizes Ed’s past and all of the good memories he has of growing up.

Album Back
The vase of flowers on the back comes from the song, “Supermarket Flowers”, which talks about his grief in the days following his grandmother's passing.

Album Labels
The front and back labels both draw from themes present on the cover and showcase the songs on the album.

To show how the system can be expanded beyond the album cover, I designed an artist page that demonstrates how the album would look on Spotify.